Monday, August 19, 2019

Disease in the Middle Ages :: Health

In the Medieval and Renaissance time periods, health conditions were extraordinarily poor for the European nations. Many different diseases and ailments arose to plague these unfortunate people. Luckily for them they had their much esteemed doctors, scholars and the highly â€Å"religious† clergy members to â€Å"help† rid them of their affliction. They offered solutions to the suffering souls seeking answers and a cure. Many of these illnesses were spread through prostitution, consumed grain, animals or too much of a bodily humor. It could be agreed upon that the medical education of these times were few and none. The most popular sickness of the middle ages was the four bodily humors. This physiological philosophy was brought about by Hippocrates, who was wrongfully regarded as the Father of Medicine. As history does, the ideas of great medical practitioners of ancient Greece were passed down through the Unani peoples to the Europeans. The four types of bodily humors are; black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood. The idea was that too much of one of these humors would upset the balance of a person’s temperament. The humors were also associated with the four elements and seasons and have their own qualities. Yellow bile had the element of fire and the season of summer, it is said to cause irritability and anger and is characterized as hot and dry. Too much phlegm or water would make one sluggish or lazy, its season is winter and it’s said to be cold and moist. Black bile, having the element of earth and the season of autumn is said to make one sad and melancholic and is charac terized as cold and dry. Next there’s phlegm, associated with the element of water and the season of winter. Having too much phlegm results in apathy and is characterized as cold and moist.Lastly is blood, just like phlegm this bodily humor is somewhat self-explanatory. Blood, with the element of air and the season of summer, is said to bring about temperament and disposition and is characterized as, of course, hot and moist. This is also where the term hot-blooded is derived from. These behavioral unbalances were treated through diet, exercise, and activity prescribed to purge the body of the imbalanced humor. For example a person with the symptoms of yellow bile (hot and dry) would be treated by increasing its opposite, phlegm (cold and moist). The patient would be told to take cold baths until the symptoms decreased, but if this prescription did not work they were told to take hellebore, a poison with the side effects of vomiting and diarrhea.

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